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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Welcome to AYSO Region 1096, Killen, Alabama!

Frequently Asked Questions

When are the soccer seasons?

  • Fall season starts August and runs through early November. 

  • Spring season starts in March and runs into the end of May.

When and where are soccer practices?

  • Practices are held weekdays starting from 5 pm.

  • Coaches pick the practice days based on their availability when they receive their teams.

  • All practices are at Killen Park

  • Playground, Schoolyard and 6U play only on Saturdays and will not practice during the week.

  • 8U practice will practice a minimum of once a week for one hour, with games on Saturday

  • 10U and 12U will practice a minimum of twice per week for one hour, with games on Saturday

  • 14/15U anjd up will practice a minimum of twice per week for one hour, with games on Saturday

When and where are the soccer games?

  • 8U and under - All games are played at Killen Park

  • 10U & 12U - For the Fall 2024 season, all games are at Killen Park.*

  • 14U/15U and up - For the Fall 2024 season, all games are at Killen Park.*

  • *Spring 2024 season will see us return to Area scheduling where we will play against teams from other regions (i.e. - Madison, Huntsville, Harvest, Monrovia, New Market etc.). Expect at least two games to be played "away."

  • Tournaments are held every Fall in November, hosted by Area 5c, usually during the second weekend of the month.

How do I become a Volunteer?

  • To become an AYSO Region 1096 coach, you must first complete a volunteer registration form. Choose the division you wish to coach. 

    • Go to

    • Enter your User ID and Password under Sign In.

    • Click Sign In.

    • Click VOLUNTEER in the gray column to the left.

    • Click Find Volunteer Roles in the upper right corner.

    • Click Select under the program of your choice.

    • Click View Roles.  

    • Options will be available for each division that you can choose from (i.e. - Playground Soccer, 6U Boys, 6U Girls, etc.). The list of choices for each division are Assistant Coach, Head Coach, Team Parent, Referee, and Youth Referee. Click SIGN UP for each position and division you would like to volunteer for. You can select multiple positions under multiple divisions.

    • Scroll to the bottom and click Continue.

    • Each position you selected from the previous screen will be listed and your profile will be highlighted. If you would like to invite a new account user to fill a particular position you chose, click Invite New Account User.

    • Scroll to the bottom and click Continue. 

    • Enter the information requested under Additional Position Information. 

    • At the bottom of each position, click the button to the right of Accept Waiver? It must say Yes for each position to be able to move forward. 

    • Scroll to the bottom and click Continue. 

    • Click Here to eSign Form. For multiple positions, you will have to repeat this process. 

    • Check the box I agree to use an electronic signature.

    • Choose the button. I am an adult of the age of majority in my state. I agree to the terms and conditions hereof shall apply to all my participation in the Events, regardless of the year or season in which such participation takes place, unless superseded by a new player application.

    • Type in your name under Volunteer Signature.

    • Since you are only signing yourself up as a volunteer, you do not need to check the button option stating that you are a "parent or guardian of the Player named on this application," nor do you need to eSign your name under Parent/Guardian Signature.

    • Scroll to the bottom and click Continue.

    • Follow any remaining prompts from here.

    • Your volunteer application is complete when you receive the screen that says ACCEPTED.

    • NOTE*** All volunteers must complete a background check prior to approval.

    • You will receive an email from [email protected] with instructions for completing the background check.

    • Next, you must complete the online Safe Haven, Safe Sport, Sudden Cardiac Arrest and CDC Concussion training at AYSOU. Safe Haven only needs to be taken once. The State of Alabama requires Sudden Cardiac Arrest and CDC Concussion to be taken every 12 months from the date originally taken. SafeSport has a yearly update that must be completed.

How do I become a Coach?

  • Coaching children is a very rewarding experience. And coaching your own child's team can be one of the most rewarding experiences of all! Coaches are pivotal to providing a safe and fun learning environment for players.

  • While previous soccer experience is great, it is NOT required to become a coach. We have access to great coach instructors through Area 5c and Region 1096 that will teach and provide you with the tools necessary to become a coach. Required training is based on the age level you volunteer to coach, and online training is available through AYSOU to get you a head start. Additionally, we have a dedicated coach mentor that will assist you through your learning process on the field. Look at it this way, if you have the time to be at all of your child's practices and games, why not become a coach?

  • Register at (Follow the “How do I become a Volunteer?” Instructions above)

  • You must complete the online and in-person age specific coaching course.

  • Coaches are essential to the game and are a key component to player development. Coaches help develop a healthy, positive attitude, teamwork and good sportsmanship. Coaching is a rewarding experience as you have the opportunity to build a child's self-esteem, help them learn new skills, and just have fun! 

What happens when no referee signs up for a scheduled game?

  • Games hosted by AYSO Region 1096 for which no certified and approved referee is present, a friendly coach-led scrimmage can be played in lieu of a game. The role of the coach is to guide the scrimmage--NOT to referee--and to maintain a safe environment for the players allowing them to have fun while learning in a game-like environment.
    NOTE: Scrimmages do NOT count toward tournament results. Parents, family members, and players themselves are encouraged to become certified referees so there is adequate coverage of all soccer matches. 

How do I become a Referee?

  • Being an AYSO Referee can be a rewarding experience for both the kids and the volunteer with no long-term commitment and provides flexibility for those with uncertain schedules. Referees can select which game or games they are able to officiate each week, or none if their schedule does not allow. To become a referee, a volunteer must complete a few short online courses, and then attend the Regional Referee Training with our certified Regional instructor. In person training takes around 3 hours to complete.

  • Register at (Follow the “How do I become a Volunteer?” Instructions above)

  • If you have a son or daughter that is at least 10 years of age, we encourage them to become a Youth Referee. Besides knowing the fundamentals of playing the game, your son or daughter can learn ALL aspects of soccer by officiating games as well. Being a youth referee can become a positive self-esteem and confidence booster for a young boy or girl, and help learn invaluable leadership skills. They will require their own account, which can then be linked to the parent account. 

Are there other opportunities to volunteer besides Coach or Referee?

  • Team Parents. If you are unable to be a coach or referee, but still want to be involved with your child's team, consider being a Team Parent. Team parents perform "admin" duties such as creating a snack schedule and organizing the end-of-season soccer party, if applicable. 

  • Regional board members. Whether you are a board member or not, you are always welcome, and we encourage you, to attend our board meetings. There is not a set schedule currently; however, board meetings will occur once a month once the season begins. There are 7 voting positions on a Regional board and include: Regional Commisioner (RC), Treasurer, Child and Advocate Protection Advocate (CVPA), Regional Referee Administrator (RRA), Regional Coach Administrator (RCA), Safety Director, and Registrar. Visit the AYSO Wiki page for more information on the duties and responsibilities of these positions. There are also several non-voting board member positions, including secretary, EPIC administrator and coach mentor.

  • Area board members. If you are interested in becoming an Area board member, visit

What happens if is rained out or the opposing team "no-shows"?

  • In the event the opposing team "no-shows," or does not have enough players to field a full team contact the Region 1096 Regional Commissioner immediately.

  • Schedule permitting, we will always attempt to reschedule a rained out game. Scheduling is the responsibility of the RC, don't attempt to reschedule the game yourself. Several things must be taken into consideration such as scheduling, field availability, ref availability etc.

  • Games in Area Scheduling must be scheduled between head coaches. Once the time and place is confirmed between the coaches, the coach then must get approval from the Regional Commissioner.

  • Game Cancellations will come through the email that was used when you registered.

  • Soccer can be played in the rain and the kids have a blast doing it! The Regional Safety Director will determine whether playing conditions are safe. Don't cancel a game that may not be able to be made up just because of a little rain. Generally, the only time games will be cancelled due to inclimate weather during thunderstorms. If in doubt, always contact the Regional Safety Director!

How long are the games?

  • (Playground and Schoolyard) - approximately 1 hour on Saturdays

  • (6U) games are 20 minutes - 1 hour total: approximately 40 minutes of learning activities followed by two 10-minute halves.

  • (8U) games are 40 minutes - two 20-minute halves.

  • (10U) games are 50 minutes - two 25-minute halves.

  • (12U) games are 60 minutes - two 30-minute halves.

  • (15U) games are 80 minutes - two 40-minute halves.

  • (19U) games are 90 minutes - two 45-minute halves.

  • 12U and below, games are broken into quarters with a short break to facilitate substitutions between quarters, and a 5-minute break at the half. Substitutions are only allowed at quarter breaks. 

  • 15U and 19U play 2 halves with monitored substitutions throughout the entire match instead of quarter breaks.

  • Remember, AYSO is committed to the philosophy that EVERYONE PLAYS. This means every player must play at least 50% of each game, barring injury or illness.

What is the starting age to play AYSO Region 1096 soccer?

  • Players can start AYSO soccer at age 3.

What are the age brackets?

  • The effective date of age determination for registration is the player's age as of December 31, 2024.

When and where is registration?

  • Fall Season Registration opens May; closes approximately end of July.

  • Spring Season Registration opens October; closes approximately beginning of March.

  • Registration is completed online through our website at

What about uniforms?

  • The cost of uniforms is no longer included in the registration. Uniforms are purchased through Use the link in the Fanwear Store. From there, select AYSO Region 1096, select "My Uniform Kit," Select Region 1096 Core/Playground and enter your last name on the popup window, select "go to team store," and you will see the uniforms. Don't go directly through and do a search for the uniforms, you will not get the correct pricing!!!

  • Playground and Schoolyard wear a white jersey. Pricing is currently $11.99. 

  • 6U and above will purchase the AYSO Donovan 2-pack. Blue Jersey (home) Red Jersey (away). Current pricing is $23.99

  • also sells uniform shorts, socks and other soccer gear, as well as fanwear with our AYSO logo.

  • Players must provide their own shin guards and cleats. In the younger age groups (8U and below) a referee may allow your child to wear tennis shoes, but it is not recommended for many reasons, including: 1) Wearing soccer cleats at a younger age will allow the player to get used to these type of shoes as they grow; and 2) Safety!!! Regardless of the season, the grass on the fields may become wet at some point due to rainy weather and soccer cleats will help prevent slipping. Soccer cleats are different than Baseball and football cleats. Baseball and football cleats have a toe cleat, whereas soccer cleats do not. Make sure you are purchasing the correct ones! Referees will not allow a child to be on the field with the wrong cleats because it presents a safety issue.

  • Shin guards must go under the socks! If it is an issue of comfort or "feel," I recommend players wear a thin pair of socks under their shin guards, and the soccer socks over the shin guards. Remember though, soccer cleats are designed to be tight on a players feet, and each additional layer may cause potential issues, such as cutting off circulation.

What size ball do players need?

  • Playground, Schoolyard, 6U & 8U uses a Size 3 ball (23.0-25.0-inch circumference, 10-12 ounces)

  • 10U & 12U uses a Size 4 ball (25.0-26.5-inch circumference, 12-14 ounces)

  • 15U - 19U uses a Size 5 ball (26.5-28.0-inch circumference, 14-16 ounces)

  • Each player should bring their own ball to each practice. Many times, coaches will have their own practice balls, but many new coaches may not, and many drills will require each player to have a ball at the same time.

Contact Us

AYSO Region 1096, Killen, Alabama

Killen Park 
Killen, Alabama 35645

Email Us: [email protected]

Phone: 757-818-4329